Friday, November 10, 2017

Bladder stones cause kidney stones and symptoms

Urinary stones are a common term commonly used by Indonesians for urinary tract stones and this disease is a chronic disease and the cause is not known with certainty.

Bladder stones cause kidney stones and symptoms
Bladder stones cause kidney stones and symptoms
Stone urine diseases suffered by some people of Indonesia and the resulting consequences can be obstruction, infection, pain, and metaplasia. Until now modern medicine for the treatment of this disease has not shown satisfactory results. Besides, the way of surgery and solving using shock vibration began to be done, but the price is very expensive for most people of Indonesia.

Kidney stones in the urinary tract (urinary calculus) are hard mass like rocks that form along the urinary tract and can cause pain, bleeding, urinary flow or infection blockage.

This stone can form in the kidney (kidney stones) or inside the bladder (bladder stones). The process of stone formation is called urolithiasis (renal lithiasis, nephrolithiasis).

For the handling of an Islamic Alternative, you can contact Mr. H. Hasan C Abdul Syukur; Acupuncture Traditional Medicine Clinic, Refleksiologi, and Bekam.

Karawang: Jl. Pesantren, Kadongdong Village - Kondang Kaya - Karawang Timur - Karawang - West Java Telp. Hp. 0812 8728372
Medina: Near Nabawi Mosque, Hp. +966 502 508169 -

The formation of stones may occur because urine is saturated with salts that can form stones or because urine lacks a normal inhibitor of stone formation. About 80% of the stones consist of calcium, the rest contains a variety of ingredients, including uric acid, cystine and struvite minerals.

Struvite stones (a mixture of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate) are also called "infection stones" because they only form in the infected urine.

Stone size varies, ranging from that cannot be seen with the naked eye to a 2.5 centimeter or more. The big rock is called "staghorn calculus". This stone can fill almost all renal pelvis and kales renalis

Stones, especially small ones, cannot cause symptoms. The stone inside the bladder can cause pain in the lower abdomen. Stones that clog the ureters, renal pelvis or renal tubules may cause back pain or renal colic (severe colic pain).

Renal colic is characterized by severe, arising pain, usually in the area between the ribs and the lumbar bone, which radiates to the abdomen, the pubic area, and the inner thighs. Other symptoms are nausea and vomiting, abdominal swelling, fever, chills, and blood in the urine. Patients may become frequent urination, especially when the stone passes through the ureter.

Stones can cause urinary tract infections. If the stone blocks the flow of urine, the bacteria will be trapped in urine collected over the blockage, resulting in infection.

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If the blockage lasts longer, the urine will flow back into the channel inside the kidney, causing a compression that will inflate the kidneys (hydronephrosis) and ultimately kidney damage.

Stones that do not cause symptoms, may be known by accident on the examination of urine analysis of urine (urinalysis).

Pain-causing stones are usually diagnosed on the basis of renal colic symptoms, accompanied by tenderness in the back and groin or pain in the pubic area without a clear cause.

A microscopic urine analysis may show small blood, pus or rock crystals. There is usually no need for other tests unless the pain persists for more than a few hours or the diagnosis is uncertain.

Additional checks that can help make the diagnosis are 24-hour urine collection and blood sampling to assess calcium, cystine, uric acid and other substances that can cause stones.

The Rontgen abdomen can indicate the presence of calcium stones and struvite stones. Other possible tests that need to be done are intravenous urography and retrograde urography.

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Small stones that do not cause symptoms, blockage or infection, usually do not need to be treated. Drinking plenty of fluids will increase urine formation and help remove some stones; if the stone has been wasted, there is no need for immediate treatment.

Renal colic can be reduced with narcotic pain reliever drugs.
The stone in the renal pelvis or the uppermost ureter of 1 centimeter or less can often be solved by ultrasonic waves (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, ESWL). The next stone fragments will be thrown away in the urine.

Sometimes a stone is lifted through a small incision in the skin (percutaneous nephrolithotomy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy), followed by ultrasonic treatment. Small stones in the lower ureters can be removed with endoscopes inserted through the urethra and into the bladder.

Uric acid stones will sometimes dissolve gradually in the atmosphere of alkaline urine (eg by giving potassium citrate), but other stones cannot be overcome in this way. Larger uric acid stones, which cause clogging, need to be removed surgically.

The presence of struvite stone indicates the occurrence of urinary tract infections because it is given antibiotics.

The precaution of stone formation depends on the composition of the stone found in the patient. The stone is analyzed and measured levels of materials that can cause the stone in the urine.

Calcium stones
Most people with calcium stones have hypercalciuria, where calcium levels in the urine are very high.

Thiazide diuretic drugs (eg trichlormethiazide) will reduce the formation of new stones. It is advisable to drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses/day). Diets are low in calcium and consume sodium cellulose phosphate.

To increase levels of citrate (calcium blocking inhibitors) in urine, potassium citrate is given. High oxalate levels in urine, which support the formation of calcium stones, are the result of eating foods rich in oxalate (eg spinach, chocolate, nuts, pepper, and tea). Therefore, the food intake should be reduced.

Sometimes calcium stones are formed by other diseases, such as hyperparathyroidism, sarcoidosis, vitamin D poisoning, renal tubular acidosis or cancer. In this case, should be treated for these diseases.

Stone of uric acid
It is recommended to reduce the intake of meat, fish, and poultry because these foods cause increased uric acid levels in urine.

To reduce the formation of uric acid can be given allopurinol. Uric acid stones are formed when the acidity of urine increases, therefore to create an alkaline urine atmosphere (alkaline), potassium citrate may be administered. And it is advisable to drink plenty of water.



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