Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Benefits of Food Sources Rich in Potassium for body health

Potassium has a very important role in the health of the body, as we all know that this potassium is an election that has role enough to perform the function of the human body every day. Potassium is alkaline and 5% potassium is derived from the total mineral content in our body. Potassium is easily absorbed, but almost 90% of it will be removed through the kidneys, so it is also very important to remove waste or toxins from the body. and when potassium works with sodium, Potassium will regulate water and acid-base balance in the cells of the body
Benefits of Food Sources Rich in Potassium for body health
In a healthy body, the body will naturally balance the potassium levels. However, diseases affecting the kidneys and liver can deplete the body's potassium levels through excessive urination and because of the excessive sweat. Excessive fluid loss, such as diarrhea or vomiting and also when we practice so often, can also deplete potassium levels in the body. That's why we must consume a lot of foods that contain potassium especially for athletes because these athletes are always doing draining activities such as athletes cyclists and runners this is one of the sports that release a lot of body fluids that sweat if we are too much to get out of sweat and not offset by intake of foods containing potassium our body will experience fatigue and fatigue.
Calcium content can be obtained from vegetables and vegetables, but usually, the sportsmen are more often choose sports drinks to get calcium intake, but after being examined in comparison with sports drinks it turns out bananas are considered as a natural energy producer in the world of fitness. A research study supports this notion, where cyclone endurance is more abundant when it consumes bananas rather than drinking sports drinks. Therefore we should be more observant again if you want to increase the amount of potassium in our body, below is a vegetable and fruit that contains a lot of potassiumSumber Makanan Yang Kaya Kalium
  • Banana
    Do you know that one medium-sized banana has a content of 524 milligrams of potassium? About 11 percent of the 4,700 milligrams of bananas should be consumed to gain extra energy. Well a lot of potassium so ya so from now on do not ever
    reject yes if told to eat bananas
  • Potato
    besides potato bananas also have high potassium content. Medium-sized potatoes contain about 442 milligrams of potassium and boost the antioxidant beta-carotene.
  • Beans
    Some varieties of nuts are rich in fiber and protein. One cup of potassium-rich white beans is 1,189 milligrams. One cup of peas has 707 milligrams of potassium. One cup of soybeans has a potassium content of 970 milligrams.
  • Avocado
    One avocado contains more than twice the content of potassium in bananas. That is as much as 975 milligrams,
  • Fish
    about 85 grams of packaged halibut has 449 milligrams of potassium. Good seafood apart from halibut is salmon and scallops.
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Now I know it turns out to get potassium intake does not need to eat, the expensive food many cheap as bananas. potassium has had benefits that are very important for the body include:
Manfaat Kalium Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh
  • Reduce high blood pressure
    Scientists have explained that potassium supplements can help to lower high blood pressure. Another study showed that increased potassium intake reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. While not all studies agree with this effect because the researchers found no effect of potassium supplementation on blood pressure. The middle conclusion that can be taken is, maybe taking potassium can help lower high blood pressure if the patient does not get enough of this mineral.
  • Increased Brain Intelligence
    Potassium is beneficial to maintain healthy and healthy brain function. It also helps carry oxygen to the brain, to get enough food. Potassium also plays a role in sending neurotransmitters in the brain to send signals to the nerves. This mineral is also important for our nerves to be healthy so it can work normally.
  • Maintaining Kidney Health
    It turns out Potassium also works to keep calcium, so as not to form stones in the kidney. from stone formation. The kidneys will filter potassium and remove it from the urine. Thus, it can be said potassium is beneficial to maintain kidney health.
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Now you have the benefit of potassium it turns out to have so many benefits in maintaining the health of our bodies. hopefully my article this time used to you all yes. Also, Read the previous article ie Understanding Metabolism.


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