Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Being old is certainly not an option, but as time goes by, aging will be experienced by every human being. If women have to worry about the coming of age-old diseases such as breast cancer and osteoporosis, so do the men. Disorders of the prostate that affects men Both Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer are often found in the age that goes beyond half a century.
The appearance of Prostate Enlargement cannot be prevented because it comes naturally. Just the speed level is different. However, men should be watching the Prostate early, especially Men who are over the age of 40 years. For those who are older than 40 years often do medical check-ups, including to reduce the occurrence of prostate enlargement that may develop into Prostate Cancer if it is late detected and treated.
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Prostate enlargement is a condition of excessive growth of the prostate gland. Prostate enlargement is large enough to press up to the bladder and urethra (urethra) resulting in urinary tract narrowing (urethra). The condition can inhibit (obstruction) urine flow. In addition, Prostate Enlargement can also form pockets of the bladder so that when urine is still left in the bladder, this left urine can form a stone.
A number of men may experience Prostate Enlargement without feeling the symptoms, especially in the early stages. But in general, a person who has Prostate Enlargement shows a number of symptoms associated with urinary expenditure, namely: Frequent urination, Urine at night more than once, Difficult to hold urine, Pancaran urine weakened, After urine has not felt empty (not complete ), Wait a long time at the beginning of pee, Have to push while urinating and Urinary disjointed.
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The cause of Prostate enlargement is difficult to ascertain. There are several known risk factors that can trigger prostate enlargement, among others: elderly (the more advanced a man, the risk of prostate cancer is also higher, in the age of 80 years, reportedly about 70% of men suffering from this disease), Ras Elements Asian Race is said to be at the lowest risk of developing this deadly cancer.) History of the disease in the family tree, Western diet, Industrial environment, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Smoking, Alcohol, and Obesity.
Prevention that can be done is as follows:
  • Have sex regularly, regularly and healthy. Therefore, regular ejaculation or semen expenditure can inhibit prostate enlargement and may even inhibit prostate cancer.
  • Increase the eating of cooked tomatoes. In tomatoes contain Lycopene containing anti-cancer substances. And the new Lycopene can react if the tomatoes are cooked. Consumption always tomato juice: 2-3 tomatoes boiled until half cooked, juiced, then drunk.
  • Consuming Apples, Beans, Oranges, Tea and Red Onions, which contain lots of Question. Because Question can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in the prostate. 
  • Consuming soy milk more than a glass a day can reduce the risk up to 70% to suffer from prostate cancer. Soy milk contains Isoflavones, and many researchers say that it can prevent the occurrence of prostate enlargement Increase consumption of Omega 3 Fatty Acids, commonly found in cold water fish, such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and Mussels. You can also take fish oil supplements. 
  • Vitamin E can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 32%. The problem is, it is difficult to get enough vitamin E intake from the daily diet. Vegetable oils are rich in vitamins, but the processing can change the levels. Peanuts, green beans, and vegetables also contain vitamin E. In order for your body's needs to be met, you can get vitamin E from supplements at a dose of 400 IU per day.
  • Acupressure Treatment. Press the following Acupressure points. Press perpendicularly, 36 times for each acupressure point. Or can also do therapy by using Moksa for 3 minutes for each point of Acupressure. Do it every day.
         - Guanyuan (Meridian Compiler 4): 4 fingers below the navel
         - Qihai (Meridian Compiler 6): 2 fingers below the navel
         - Sanyinciao (Spleen Meridian 6): 4 fingers above the top of the inner foot, on the back side 
           of the shin

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Fuliu (Kidney Meridian 7): 3 fingers on the top of the inner ankle, at the front edge of the vein


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