Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Various Types of Acid and Base Foods

Types of Foods that are Acids and Bases

Various Types of Acid and Base Foods

There are many ways to classify foods. One is based on the nature of the acidity and alkalinity contained by food. Our food is digested in two parts of the gastrointestinal tract. First, the food goes into the stomach where hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach channel does the main job if the food is mainly acidic. From there the food then goes to the duodenum (gut 12 fingers).  

Here the search secretions are basic from the liver, pancreas, and lymph complete the digestive process and help neutralize any liquid from the acidic stomach. Foods that are digested especially in the stomach are called acidic foods, while those digested especially in the 12-finger gut are called alkaline foods. Most foods require some acidic digestion and some basic digestion.

Acidity has contributed to many common diseases today, such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout, inflammation, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease. Acidity causes blood purifying organs like liver, lymph, and kidney to become weak. Patients who are sick may recover more quickly from the illness if most of their food is alkaline (with a ratio of 80:20).  

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Generally, the tongue wants an acidic food because it tastes good, while the digestive organs prefer food bases. It should be remembered that the classification of foods into acids and bases is not based on the "taste" of the food being diluted. For example, lemon juice tastes sour in the mouth but the end result after digestion is alkaline because lime juice does not require stomach acid juice to decipher it.

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Some examples of foods that are very alkaline:

Water, lime juice, coconut water, herbal tea, honey, fruit juice, vegetable juice, fruit, green and yellow vegetables that do not contain starch/starch, bulb vegetables (carrots, turnips, bits, and cassava).

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Some examples of foods that are very acidic:

Eggs, Meat, fish, seafood, poultry, fried foods, whitened grains (white rice, white bread/flour, white noodles), processed foods, white sugar, tea, coffee, and carbonated beverages.


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