Sunday, December 31, 2017

men choose women from the physical

WOMEN do not have a specific benchmark for the selection of what men are considered attractive. This certainly benefits men, especially those who are aware that they are not looking cool. This causes competition among sexy women to be more stringent.
Men's tastes seem to average the same about women who are attractive or unattractive. For example, according to men, attractive women are thin and exciting (or if in Indonesia, white and long-haired).

** Study Results **

Although other studies have found that modern men are more attracted to smart and educated women in the last decade, in this new study, men tend to base their interest in women on their physical features, by putting an asterisk on women who look slim and exciting.

Most of the men who responded also considered that women (in photos) who looked confident were also more interesting.

On the other hand, the average woman shows an interest in a lean but muscular man. But they do not look "compact" about the sexiness of men.

For example, a male figure (in the photo) can be rated "very attractive" by some women, but others may judge "not interesting at all". This raises questions for researchers.

Do men agree with their judgment of what makes a person look attractive, or is there something in the photo that causes a man to judge in a certain way? To find out the answer, the researchers tried to observe the ratings made by homosexuals. Apparently, homosexual men show a higher agreement on the level of allure in male photographs, than the normal woman who judges the photos of the same man.

While normal men also show more deals than lesbians in rating women's photos.

The results of a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology June edition has apparently influenced the decision of men and women when dating. For example, because they have different tastes, women become unnecessarily competing with other women. While men have to compete with other men because often attracted to the same woman.

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Homosexual men need more time and energy to keep their target men from being attracted to other men. Not infrequently, they have to spend a lot of money to attract men.


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