Friday, January 5, 2018

sharpen the baby's brain in the mother's wom

sharpen the baby's brain in the mother's wom

Babies are creatures of God who know nothing. And when he was born God conferred fitrah or holiness on his skis and given the instinct to think.
According to psychologists, the ability to think and imagine children is influenced by three factors: heredity, empiricism (environment) and convergence (congenital and environmental).
And one of the efforts to give a good offspring than can be done by the mother to sharpen the brain to the baby smash in the womb.

  1. Communicating with mother and baby by chatting/dialogue, reading out the best verses for the child, and playing the right audio for the child. It aims to make the senses of the child is more perfect and train the child's brain nerve function.
  2. Perform healthy activities such as physical exercise, gymnastics floor, and a healthy walk. Because with a stable mother's condition it will create good stability also in baby's intelligence and good endurance (at 16 weeks)
  3. Calming the baby and forming a good emotionally for the child by massaging around the mother's abdomen (at 20 weeks)
  4. Provide stimulation and knowledge so that children can have a strong memory by reading stories to children.
  5. Feeding the food in the mother a good try is also healthy, so the brain in children terorginir well and can menaj manage other bodies well.
  6. Production of serotonin can be triggered by playing lanai Qur'an reading, music and sounds beautiful good. It will soothe the baby's physical and skis.
  7. Conversely from the sixth, namely in addition to the State of parents should always be good, not to stress peaked blood (emotion) and the disclosure of words that are not obscene in the hearing by the baby. Because it will impact on his intelligence accompanied by uncontrollable anger.
  8. For mom and dad, the baby should be in the habit of practicing sharpening their brains by way of solving puzzle questions, and math problems or studying formulas.
  9. In addition to listening to music to a mother's baby or those around her can sing or do other imagination like drawing.
  10. Connecting the brain nerve through visual both manual and audio. So that the child's IQ will be formed better than the ability of other children.
  11. Stimulate the ability to think in infants by using sunlight that is usually a mother carrying and carrying her baby's content in the morning. Approximately 6am to 9pm. So the child will be able to think brilliant and creative
read too :
Intelligence that occurs in early childhood
Breastmilk Tips Protect Baby from Allergies


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