Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Trivial But Make Nipple Breasts Feeling Itchy

Things like this do not mind and make an anxiety if one part of the body feels itchy. Moreover, attacking in areas that are very sensitive, like the nipple. Want to be scratched, embarrassed. Not scratched, but it's very annoying.

Trivial But Make Nipple Breasts Feeling Itchy

what is it after the breast nipple carded, then solve the problem? Of course it's only temporary and the itchiness will reappear.
Your activity is dense creep will be constrained because the itch makes the body becomes uncomfortable. Not to mention if later impact on irritation in that section.

The cause of itching on the nipple can occur due to various reasons. Starting from a pile of sweat, a bra that is too narrow, or the influence of soap or detergent that makes the skin around the nipples so damp.
According to dr. Sara Elise Wijono MRes, there are several other causes why breast nipples are often itchy.

Trivial But Make Nipple Breasts Feeling Itchy

1. Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a state of inflammation caused by natural skin contact with certain substances, this material may be irritating or allergenic. For example, flushing detergent is not good when washing clothes can cause contact dermatitis in the nipple.
2. Eczema
Eczema is a condition of the skin (including the breast nipple) with a sign that is a dry, scaly, red, itchy, even bleeding appearance. Putting with eczema is susceptible to infection.
To fix this, you need to prevent the skin around the breast mongering. How to reduce the duration of the bath, choose a bath soap that does not make dry, and use moisturizer.

3. Breast cancer
Malignancy or cancer of the breast can cause itching of the nipple, although this is rarely the main complaint. Paget's disease is an example of breast malignancy with symptoms resembling eczema that attacks the nipples.
If you have eczema-like symptoms that do not improve, you should immediately see a doctor.
4. Jogger's Nipple

ogger's nipple (nipple runner) is a condition that often affects runners or athletes. This is caused by the friction between the nipple and the shirt during the activity, causing itchy, dry, or blistered nipple symptoms.
Since it is caused by friction, this condition can be avoided by the use of a barrier such as petroleum jelly or other creams.

5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding are more susceptible to eczema. Therefore, women who are pregnant and breastfeeding are encouraged to keep the nipple moist and keep it dry

Sumber : Doddy Irawan


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