Monday, October 16, 2017

Benefits of Soursop Leaf

Benefits of Soursop Leaf. Soursop is a fruit that has many health benefits. Soursop fruit commonly found in South America, Africa, and southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. Any part of the soursop tree can be used as a medicine. Recent studies have shown that soursop contains anti-cancer cells. Besides as an anti-cancer soursop fruit also has other benefits that are useful for the health of body, skin, and hair.
Benefits of Soursop LeafSoursop leaves are the parts that have the greatest benefits. Soursop leaf contains Acetogenin compound that is built in, maximising and squamosin. Acetogenin acts as an anti-feeding. So often used to eradicate pests and insects. Scientific research conducted by The National Cancer Institute successfully proved that soursop leaves effective to attack and destroy cancer cells. In addition to cancer, soursop leaves can also be used to cure other diseases.
Soursop Leaf Benefits For Health:

Soursop leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals, including protein, calcium, fructose, fat, vitamin A and vitamin B and so on. Thus, soursop leaves are excellent for use as an ingredient in the manufacture of herbal remedies.

The benefits of soursop leaves for health are as follows.
1. Cancer Treatment:

Soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cells and cure cancer more quickly and effectively than chemotherapy is quite expensive and resulted in some side effects. In fact, research has proven that soursop leaves have an active ingredient that is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy in the fight against cancer cells. Thus, soursop leaves can treat various types of cancer including prostate cancer, lung, and breast.

For treatment, Boil 10 soursop leaves with 3 glasses of water until only about one cup of water is left, strain and chill. Drink this herb every morning for 3-4 weeks to get maximum results. Currently, Soursop leaf is one of the most powerful drugs to eradicate cancer.

2. Uric Acid Treatment:

Soursop leaf can be very helpful in treating gout. In fact, many alternative treatments use soursop leaves as ingredients for medicine.

Take 6 to 10 leaves of soursop that old but still green then wash thoroughly. Boil the leaves in 2 cups water and boil until the water is left about one glass. Drink twice a day in the morning and afternoon for best results.

3. Treating Back Pain

Today many people complain of back pain. The use of chemical drugs for back pain can cause side effects. Soursop leaves can be used as an alternative herb to overcome back pain without side effects.
Boil 20 soursop leaves in 5 cups of water until the remaining 3 cups. Drink once a day.

4. Eczema and Rheumatic Treatment:

Rheumatic disease, which is usually experienced by parents, can cause great pain. Soursop leaves are a natural remedy for this disease. ash the soursop leaves until smooth then apply to areas of the body affected by pain and eczema regularly twice a day.

5. Diabetes Treatment:

Normal sugar levels range from 70 mg to 120 mg. Nutrients contained in soursop leaves are believed to stabilize blood sugar levels in the normal range. In addition, soursop leaf extract can be used as one of the natural remedies for diabetes. All this makes this leaf useful for diabetics.

6. Boost Immune System and Prevent Infection:

Nutritional content of soursop leaf is believed to boost the immune system and avoid infection in the body. Boil 5 soursop leaves with 4 cups water until the remaining one cup of water. Drink once a day.

7. Other benefits:

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, soursop leaves are very effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, viruses, parasites and tumor development. The healing properties contained in soursop leaf make it can be used as anti-seizure medication. Soursop leaf is also able to reduce fever and high blood pressure.

Soursop leaves also help in treating inflammation and swelling legs. Can also be used to promote digestion and increase appetite. Consumption of soursop leaves regularly can help increase stamina and help recovery from disease.

Soursop Leaf Benefits For Skin:
Soursop leaves can also be used to treat skin diseases

8. Ulcer Treatment:

Ulcers can occur on the body or face, thus disrupting skin health and beauty. Soursop leaf is a natural remedy for healing ulcers. Mash some soursop leaves are still young, then paste on the affected part ulcers.

9. Eczema Treatment:

As described earlier, soursop leaves can treat eczema in a natural way. Use soursop leaves that have been pounded twice a day on the affected body parts of eczema.
Benefits of Graviola Leaves For Hair:

10. Eliminating Fleas:

The pollution that is in our midst can cause problems for the hair, such as dandruff, branched hair and so on.Dirty hair can be a cause of the development of lice in the hair.

Well, you can use this soursop leaves to eradicate the lice
Perhaps there are still benefits of soursop leaves are still not revealed.

So, if you have a soursop tree or find a soursop tree when walking around, grab the leaves immediately. Ask for permission first but who has. Hopefully the article from Health Blog this time useful.


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