Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tips On How To Prevent cavities

Cavities are one of the teething problems are quite disturbing. Problems with teeth can affect our digestive process, as it causes the food is not chewed so that optimal performance of the stomach becomes more severe. If you have severe tooth could be we must be willing removed. Before that happens it's good we take precautions to keep teeth healthy, and cavities away from us.

Here we summarize some of the ways to prevent cavities.
Reduce sticky and sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets etc.

Diligent brushing teeth. Do toothbrush after every meal or at least 2 times a day ie morning and evening when going to sleep. If you do not brush your teeth, then the rest of the food for 24 hours will turn into acid. This acid is the ideal medium for the growth of germs. So from now on do not be lazy to brush teeth yes.
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and straight.Jangan forgets to use toothpaste or toothpaste Rinse first before brushing your teeth to the gums to become moist.

Brush teeth from the lower back (side) with the up and down movement. Do this on both the left and right sides. Continue brushing the teeth in the back and forth motion, brush both sides yes. Then brush the front teeth also with the up and down movement. Do not brush your teeth too hard because it can injure the gums.

Then rinse his mouth to clean up the remnants of dirt. if the toothbrush bristles have fallen down, widened and broken so that is not comfortable then replace it with a new toothbrush because the toothbrush is broken is no effective way to clean teeth.

Although it looks like we've been brushing all of the teeth, it turns out there are certain parts that are not affordable with a toothbrush that is part between the teeth or between the teeth. For parts like this (the sidelines between the teeth) can be cleaned using dental floss (dental floss). Must use special dental floss yes, do other threads

Teeth checked regularly every six months and Clean tartar
That's some way that we can do so that we are always healthy teeth and avoid cavities and other dental problems.


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