Saturday, October 14, 2017

How to Maintain Health

With the right lifestyle is enough to keep your body healthy and away from diseases. But there are still many of us who ignore it. Here we present how to maintain health so that you stay fit:

How to Maintain Health

Healthy Eating
Stay away from fried foods and greasy fast food. Processed foods like nuggets using chemicals as preservatives so not good for health. Make a habit of eating nutritious foods and healthy shining you can enjoy it. By choosing better food, you can lower cholesterol, lose weight and even avoid diseases mainly associated with unhealthy food.

Research has shown that regular exercise significantly increases life expectancy and improve overall health. Physical exercise during the 30-minute walk can help improve mood you and help you in losing weight and toning the body.

Avoid smoking

For some of us, this may be easier said than done. If you avoid these tobacco products, lungs You will get great benefits. Diseases caused by smoking such as emphysema, lung cancer, mouth, throat and cause heart disease has claimed many lives. Then avoid smoking, if you already, stop!

Doing Medical Tests
Do check-up or investigation into the doctor to detect any disturbance in our body to be known as early as possible so that treatment can be done immediately. By examining the entire body you can also find out the condition of the actual body.

injectable vaccine

If you include people who too often have flu, for example, you can go to ask the doctor injected anti-flu vaccine.

Having sex with a healthy
Always do sex with an official couple. Avoid mutually couple, especially with same-sex couples.

Stay away from alcohol
Consumption of too much alcohol can damage the liver and contributes to diseases like cancer. Not to mention, because alcohol can affect the ability to make decisions, Alcohol has been widely played in a variety of bad things that befall humans such as fights, car accidents,

murder and rape.

Smile, stay away from stress

Stress is one of the causes of some diseases that can be harmful to health. Lah doing fun activities with family and friends. Many are grateful for the gift you get.
Similarly, a few tips from us on how menjagakesehatan, I hope you can benefit from this article.


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