Thursday, October 12, 2017

What is the Cause Kidney Stone and Kidney Stones

What's Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are usually composed of a compound called calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate is the result of the accumulation of minerals dissolved in the inner lining of the kidney. Stacking of these minerals can grow as large as a golf ball.

What is the Cause Kidney Stone and Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are small can come out with the urine without us knowing, but kidney stones can also cause tremendous pain when we urinate.

Kidney stones that settles in the body can lead to a variety of conditions, including severe pain and blockage of the ureter, which connects the kidney and the bladder, making it difficult for urine to exit.

Scientists from MayoClinic, Rochester, USA, said that people who have kidney stones have a higher risk for developing chronic kidney disease.

What causes kidney stones?

What is the Cause Kidney Stone and Kidney StonesThe main cause someone to have a kidney stone is a shortage of water. Kidney stones are usually found in people who drank less than eight glasses of water per day. When there is enough water to dilute the uric acid (a component of urine), the pH level of the kidneys will decrease and become more acidic. Environment that is too acidic is the ideal place for the formation of kidney stones.Medical conditions such as Crohn's disease, urinary tract infection, renal tubular acidosis, hyperparathyroidism, medullary sponge kidney, and Dent's disease has been known to trigger the formation of kidney stones. Some cases of kidney stones can also be caused by water fluoridation or the addition of fluoride to drinking water.Several types of drugs can increase the risk of kidney stone formation. The scientists found that opiramate or Topamax, a drug commonly prescribed to treat migraines and seizures, may increase the risk of kidney stone formation.Other factors that can increase the risk of kidney stone formation, including a diet high in protein and sodium but low in calcium, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, high blood pressure, and certain conditions that affect the absorption of calcium by the body such as gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel disease and diarrhea chronic.Who can be affected by kidney stones?Men are known to have two times greater risk of kidney stones than women. Most people who suffer from kidney stones memilliki age range between 30 to 50 years. Family history can also increase a person's risk of kidney stones. Similarly, if someone ever had a kidney stone before risk of kidney stones grow back quite large if precautions are not taken.


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