Monday, October 23, 2017

Medicinal Herbs For Disease Polycythaemia

Medicinal Herbs For Disease Polycythaemia
The drug Polycythaemia present in this article is another alternative for people with 'red blood cell excess'. One alternative treatment can be done by eating herbs, vegetables, or fruits with the content of substances that can overcome the symptoms caused by polycythemia so it can work properly medical drugs with a little risk and a smaller cost. Let's explore some of the ingredients in the following plants!
Garlic (Allium sativum) - this one type of spice not only lavishes your cooking, it is also able to slow the blood clotting process so that the formation of blood clots can be prevented. Khasiatnya as anti-coagulant just like a medical drug known as aspirin. This garlic is also called as a drug polycythemia. However, if you plan to do an operation avoid the consumption of garlic.

Red Chilli (Cayenne) - for spicy dish enthusiasts, red chili can still face them. However, did you know that red pepper is also used in the health field? Of course, not only as a source of vitamin C alone. The content of capsaicin in red pepper seems to be able to help the disorders associated with blood circulation, more research on capsaicin in treating heart disease is still done.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) - the root of this plant has been used for many diseases, you may have heard that ginseng is efficacious for problems related to sexual function. But it turns out, other benefits of ginseng is to boost the immune system and slow down the process of formation of blood clots. However, you need to be careful because ginseng can make it difficult for you to sleep called insomnia.

Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) - this type of plant has been sold as a mixture of drinks similar to the 'coconut sari'. However, the usefulness is not only good to avoid attacks 'deep heat' only.  
Aloe vera can also be used to treat skin disorders, such as; skin abrasions and mild burns. But, if you have an allergy to garlic, you may also have allergies to aloe vera, then be on your guard.
Cat's Claw (Cat's Claw / Uña de Gato / Uncaria tomentosa) - this type of plant is better known in the Spanish or Portuguese regions. Efficacy of cat's claws is to stimulate the immune system, help overcome bone pain, improve DNA repair, and help chronic fatigue.  
Cat claws can work like anti-inflammatory drugs (anti-inflammatory drugs) and anti-oxidants. This plant is not suitable for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers.

Ants Nest (Myrmecodia pendants) - a plant origin of Papua is already known powerful in treating all types of cancer. Because one type of polycythemic complication is leukemia (a type of blood cancer), it can be used as a polycythemia drug (when complications are known to avoid high stages). 
Content of phenolic acid is a compound that can eliminate free radicals cause of cancer.


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