Thursday, October 26, 2017

Cholesterol and Fat, Is It Meaning?

Cholesterol and Fat, Is It Meaning?
The first thing that comes to mind when looking at someone with a fat state, certainly the first imagined is fat and cholesterol. The connotation of obesity and fat for most people is definitely synonymous with high cholesterol. Vice versa, those who have high cholesterol levels must be identified with fat and obesity. No one if the connotation of cholesterol is always identified with fat and obesity because cholesterol is a type of fat, but the question is cholesterol and fat, what does it mean?

Fat and cholesterol, what's the difference?To be able to answer the question of cholesterol and fat, what does it mean ?, it's good to know some facts and data about fat and cholesterol following as processed from various sources, namely:CholesterolCholesterol is a fatty derived compound contained in certain foods high in fat or made by the body through the liver or liver and is useful for the formation of hormones cortisol, estrogen, testosterone and protective cell membranes. Because it is made from fatty compounds, cholesterol can only be circulated to all body tissues using a fat-based transport system as well, namely LDL.

FatBody fat is a chemical compound in the body that is coil-shaped, so it is not easily soluble in water. Based on its function in the body, fat is divided into structural fats that form cell walls as well as functional fats that form steroid hormones or better known as cholesterol. While based on their chemical structure, fat is divided into saturated fats that increase the risk of coronary heart and stroke because it contains high LDL, as well as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats that have high levels of HDL and is useful to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
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Based on the data and facts above, presumably the answer to the question of cholesterol and fat,
What the same meaning ?, is different. Cholesterol is one form of functional fat while overall fat itself has a variety of functions, namely reserves and energy sources, help the manufacture of hormones with one of the main ingredients is cholesterol, and other major functions are to form brain tissue and nerves. Maybe useful.


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