Thursday, October 12, 2017

Solution To Overcome Hair Loss

Nowadays hair loss is not just a problem for older people, but also a problem for teenagers who are still in their teens the too early 20s. If the ancient time's hair loss is usually caused by age increasingly aging, not anymore. So many reasons that cause hair loss.

Here we will discuss some simple ways to cope with hair loss. If not too severe you can do the treatment at home. However, if your hair loss problem is very severe it would not hurt to consult a doctor.

Before we go into the solution for hair loss, let's discuss what are the causes of hair loss.

Causes of hair loss:

  • lack of proper nutrition
  • aging
  • hormonal changes
  • stress
  • branched hair
  • prolonged illness
  • drugs such as steroids
  • and a few more.

Prevent Hair Loss
To prevent hair loss, you can do simple things like the following.

  • Carefully treat wet hair. Your hair becomes vulnerable to damage when wet. Wait until dry before you comb your hair.
  • Massage the scalp area as often as possible. It stimulates the flow of blood to the head that will encourage hair growth and make it more healthy.
  • If you need to use a hair tie, do not tie up too tight. Ties that are too tight can make damaged hair.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water, always use cold water or water at room temperature. Dry and frizzy hair when you're done showering is an indication that the water used is too hot for hair.
  • Hair is composed of protein and needs nutrients to stay alive and healthy. Vitamins are essential for hair are vitamin A, B complex, C, and E. Each of these plays a significant role. Vitamin B complex is essential for hair growth and prevents hair loss. Vitamin C prevents gray hair. Iron also has an important role for healthy hair. Lack of iron can be a source of severe hair loss. This shows why women suffering from anemia mostly great experience hair loss problems.
  • Exercising. Exercise increases blood flow through the body and help in the stimulation of the scalp.
  • Avoid coffee and caffeine. Caffeine can deplete the nutrients in the body, not to mention the hair.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  •  Keep your scalp is always clean and away from chemicals. Use a mild shampoo.
  •  Trim your hair regularly to avoid the problem of split ends.

Treatment For Hair Loss

Although the technology is growing and beauty products so much milling about, still, natural remedies from nature is a good thing. Here are some hair loss treatments that you can try at home.

1. Coconut milk:

Coconut milk is one of the richest sources of nutrients for the hair tissue. Coconut and coconut milk Parutlah download, then massage the head you use coconut milk.

2. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is a very effective way to stop hair loss. Aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the scalp. This is helpful for preventing hair loss due to dry scalp or infected. Aloe vera balances the pH level of the scalp. After massaging the head with aloe vera gel, wait a few hours and then wash the hair with warm water. You should do this twice a week for best results.

3. Massaging with oil:

Massaging the scalp for a few minutes each day with warm oil will cause the stimulation of blood flow to the scalp. Coconut oil helps in controlling hair loss. Other recommended oils are: jojoba oil, almond oil, mustard oil, lavender oil.

Some of the above solutions you can try to cope with hair loss. May be useful


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