Sunday, October 8, 2017

Food for Healthy and smooth Skin

Here are some food "Milky" who are able to make the skin of your body become healthier and smooth, based on research from the American Dietetic Association.

      Salmon, orange-colored Fish that one is rich in healthy fats namely acid omega-3 which is nice addition to maintain heart health is also an important nutrients for healthy skin like to dampen inflammation on the skin, keeping skin pores stay healthy and inhibiting wrinkles on the skin of your face. The overdose, 30gr per day.

     sunflower seeds, the seeds (already peeled) sprinkled on the salad menu, this could hinder the process of wrinkling of the skin and skin gombyor. This is because sunflower seeds has vitamin E in it, which is a good antioxidant. These antioxidants may inhibit the process of aging skin cells so you will look youthful. In addition, vitamin A is also known for being able to eliminate scars dikulit. The overdose, 2 tablespoons per day.

     Sweet, especially the sweet pink or purple, not only tastes sweet and delicious but also able to make your face look more fresh. The colors on the sweet represents the content of beta-carotene and antioxidants. According to the American Dietetic Association, beta-carotene is able to protect the skin from the ravages of excess sunlight and antioxidants improve durability on the skin against attacks of the disease. The overdose, 1 medium size sweet fruit per day.

      good tea, black tea or green tea. Both laden and phytonutriens antioxidant content, which is good for the health of the skin. The overdose, at least 1 cup per day.

     the Kiwi, now the fruit is no longer difficult didaptkan self-service market surrounding your residence. Besides it tastes fresh and sweet, the fruit also has vitamin C which is quite a lot. But vitamin C is easily vaporized and terbasuh by water. Therefore, after the Peel peeled then it should be immediately consumed. The overdose, 1 medium sized fruit per day.

      the Turkey Meat, these foods contain the mineral zinc compounds are quite high. The mineral can maintain the health of collagen and elastic fibers which can make the skin condition remains elastic and well toned. The overdose, 30gr per day.

So some information from us, hopefully can help maintain the health and beauty of your skin, and of course add your insights.

Thank you have visited ...

Source: Health Information


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