Saturday, October 14, 2017

There are 12 Characteristics and Signs Kidney Disease

Many people are not aware that kidney disease could have killed us without us knowing. Sometimes kidney disease does not show any symptoms until the condition is really bad. It is important for us to know the signs of kidney disease so that we can anticipate. Here are 12 traits and signs of kidney disease that we must address:
Changes in urinary system
The first sign of kidney disease is a change in many or how often we pee/remove urine. The occurrence of an increase or decrease in the volume of urine that we spend and how often we need to remove the urine, especially at night can be a sign of kidney disease. Urine that we spend a darker color. Sometimes the urine does not come out even though we feel the urge when it was in the toilet.

Difficulties and accompanied by pain during urination
Sometimes we have trouble or no pain when trying to urinate. Urinary tract infections can cause pain or burning during urination. If the infection spreads to the kidneys, it will cause fever and pain around the back.

There is blood in the urine
If we or our families encounter signs of kidney disease on this one, then we should be wary. Chances are we suffering from kidney disease, although it could have been due to other causes. Therefore, if there is blood during urination, it is advisable to see a doctor.

Kidney function is to remove waste and fluids from the body is not required. When the impaired renal function, fluid is not wasted going to settle and cause swelling in the feet, hands, face, as well as in other areas of the body.

Feeling weak and easily tired
Our kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin that helps in the formation of red blood cells that transports oxygen in the body. When a person suffers from kidney disease, the hormone erythropoietin production will decrease and it has decreased the number of red blood cells causes anemia. The lack of supply of oxygen-carrying red blood cells leads to fatigue and makes the body becomes weak.

Dizziness and trouble concentrating
Anemia caused by kidney disease also affects our brains because of reduced supply oxygen causing dizziness and difficulty concentrating.

Always feel cold
Someone who has kidney disease will feel cold despite being in a warm environment due to anemia. Might cause a kidney infection end fever accompanied by biting cold.

Skin rash and itching
Kidney problems caused garbage or unnecessary chemicals accumulate in the blood. it put cause itching and rashes on the skin.

Bad breath (like the smell of ammonia)
Malfunctioning kidneys will increase urea levels in the blood. Urea is going to be broken down into ammonia in saliva that causes the breath to stink like urine. Usually accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth such as metal.

Nausea and Vomiting
Waste substances that accumulate in the blood due to kidney malfunction can cause nausea and vomiting

Hard to breathe
Kidney disease causes fluid buildup in the lungs. Plus, anemia, which is a side effect of kidney disease, leads to a deficiency of oxygen. People suffering from kidney disease have difficulty breathing due to these factors.

Pain in the back or waist
In certain cases of kidney disease can cause pain around your back and waist.
It is important to identify kidney disease as early as possible because in many cases, kidney damage can not be repaired. To reduce the risk of severe kidney disease, contact your doctor immediately if found signs above. If caught early, kidney disease can be treated more effectively. Better yet, if we actively prevent kidney disease with a healthy way of life and drinking water as recommended.

May we ever be given Health and protected from various diseases.


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