Sunday, October 22, 2017

Peel Out Diabetes Disease and the threat of complications

Peel Out Diabetes Disease and the threat of complications

Complete info and the most sought after is not merely about tips and camera treatment of diabetes with herbal or traditional, info that discusses the peel out diabetes with the threat of complications is also one of the information you must understand and know. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as a chronic disease or disorder with multiple etiologies characterized by high blood sugar levels with carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism disorders as a result of insulin function insufficiency. Insulin insufficiency can be caused by a disorder or deficiency of insulin production by Langerhans beta cells of the pancreas gland or caused by the lack of responsiveness of body cells to insulin

Although Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that does not cause death directly, it can be fatal if the management is not appropriate. DM management requires multidisciplinary treatment that includes non-drug therapy and drug therapy. Everyone who has one or more diabetes risk factors should be aware of the possibility of diabetes. Health workers, doctors, potters and other health workers should also pay attention to people like this, and advise to do some checks to determine the blood glucose levels so as not to be late to provide handling assistance. Because the faster the condition of diabetes mellitus is known and handled, it is easier to control blood glucose levels and prevent possible complications.


The clinical diagnosis of DM will generally be considered if there are typical DM complaints of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and unexplained weight loss. Other complaints that may be delivered by the patient include weak body, often tingling, itching, blurred eyes, erectile dysfunction in men, and pruritus vulvae in women.

If there is a typical complaint, the examination of blood glucose levels> 200 mg/dl is enough to confirm the diagnosis of DM. Fasting blood glucose> 126 mg/dl can also be used as a benchmark for DM diagnosis


Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to acute and chronic complications. The following will be described some of the complications that often occur and should be wary of.


Hypoglycemia syndrome is characterized by clinical symptoms of the patient feeling dizzy, weak, trembling, dizzy, darkness, cold sweats, increased heart rate, until loss of consciousness. If not immediately helped can occur brain damage and eventually death


Hyperglycemia is a condition in which the blood sugar level jumps suddenly. this condition can be caused, among others, by stress, infection, and consumption of certain drugs. Hyperglycaemia is characterized by polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, severe fatigue, and blurred vision. If known quickly, hyperglycemia can be prevented from becoming severe


The 3 common forms of macrovascular complications developed in diabetics are coronary heart disease (CAD), cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral vascular disease (PVD)


Microvascular complications mainly occur in people with type 1 diabetes. Persistent hyperglycemia and the formation of a protein that is infected (including HbA1c) causes the blood vessel wall to become weaker and more vulnerable and blockage occurs in small blood vessels. This is what encourages the emergence of microvascular complications, such as retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Besides being a condition of hyperglycemia, these three complications are also influenced by genetic factors.

So Peel Out Diabetes Disease with the threat of complications that I have to explain hopefully can be taken, more apologies, good regards and stay spirit good readers.


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