Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Benefits of baby honey under 1 year and above brand as salamah

Benefits of baby honey under 1 year and above brand as salamah

Benefits and efficacy of baby honey for the new born and under 1 year according to Islam whether danger or not, available brand honey baby as Salamah ... It is understandable that there are still many mothers who hesitate to give honey to the newborn baby or about 1 year, because of the knowledge and understanding factor whereas the religion of Islam recommends it through the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. So as long as the honey brand of a baby as Salamah and the other as long as the original honey without mixture in be sure to be safe by giving the right dose measurable.

However, the efficacy or benefits of native honey such as brand Salamah is still a debate between the pros and cons but the view from various sources, especially from the perspective of Islam is dominantly safe honey in consumption even by infants though, Islamic law is the term talqin baby with honey. This is one indication of safe native honey for newborns, so that needs to be the spotlight is choosing a genuine honey brand with original and hygienic quality.

  • Efficacy of honey as the medicine is Allah SWT Wahyukan in al Qur'an.
  • Allah subhanahuwata'ala said in al Qur'an, exactly letter a NAHL verse to 69 which means:
  • From the belly of the bee, it comes out the liquid of various colors in which there is healing for humans.
  • Subhanallah ...
  • So psychologically Islamic honey is a drug-sharing and safe in consumption by humans from infants, children, adults to seniors Wakatipu

Especially for babies give quality honey with a doseof little approximately 1 to 2 drops only. And the choice of baby toddler honey you can use is that you can take advantage of original baby honey as salamah compositioned by quality original honey in addition to babysitting babies are also useful to help overcome some problam on your toddler.


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