Sunday, October 15, 2017

13 Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair

13 Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair 

We all, both men and women, would want healthy hair. Healthy hair can support our appearance to look more attractive. We do not want to just have a hair dirty, dull, limp, and smell.
Well, so your hair can be kept healthy all the time, you can try it tips from us.

Here are tips to maintain healthy hair that you can apply:
Tip 1: Always protect your hair from the sun, wind, and rain. Exposure to excessive sunlight, heat, dirt, pollution, contamination can make damaged hair. This can result in piles of dirt, causing the hair and scalp become dry, and bias causes infections of the scalp. If necessary close the hair with an umbrella or a hat.

13 Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair 

Tip 2: Wet hair is very fragile and easily damaged. Wet, stems and roots of the hair you more susceptible to damage. After shampooing does not immediately combed, wait a few minutes until slightly dry hair 

tip 3: Use conditioner after shampooing. Conditioner can help make your hair more straight 

4: Do conditioning with true. Conditioners are formulated to seal moisture in the hair shaft. They are not intended for the scalp. start of conditioning about 2 inches from the scalp. Too much conditioner on the scalp will only make you an oily scalp. 

Tip 5: Choose a shampoo and conditioner of the same type because it has the same formulation. Having been made for specific hair types and specific purpose always so biased provide better results. 

Tip 6: Avoid using a hair dryer on your hair You. The heat will absorb moisture from the hair thus making it dry and frizzy. If you need to straighten your hair with straightening appliance, always remember that hair protective wear before. 

Tip 7: Avoid using hair band super tight, choose a soft cloth. Tight hair ties tend to pull your hair and this can cause damage. 

Tip 8: When You will sleep at night, let your hair down on one side to avoid tangling the hair. 

Tip 9: Sleep use pillows made of satin can reduce hair breakage due to friction compared Bresnahan cotton pillows and more. 

Tip 10: When drying your hair, do with the press. Do rub. You may dry the hair faster but the amount of hair loss will be. 

Tip 11: Use a hair mask is suitable for the signs. Hair needs vary according to hair type. 

Tip 12: Use cold water to wash it. The point of water at normal temperature yes, not ice water. Avoid shampooing with hot water tap 

13: Eat right. Panampilan physical health will affect your hair. The more healthy you are, the better hair You look. Certain nutrients such as vitamins, iron, and protein are essential for hair growth and health.Thus tips to maintain healthy hair. Maybe useful.


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