Thursday, October 12, 2017

How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise

Sport is one of the keys to losing weight, because exercise helps burn calories, and the more calories are wasted, the more our body weight is reduced. However, What if we are lazy or hate to exercise ?? Though olehraga can help to stay healthy. Do not worry, because now the Health Blog will explain how to lose weight naturally without exercise.

Following ways:

Lose weight by making love
How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise
It is special for you who are married and have a legitimate partner.
Having sexual intercourse with a partner is a healthy way to lose weight. If you had sexual intercourse in about thirty minutes, it will burn about 150-200 calories. Sexual intercourse will naturally increase the heart rate, which in turn increases blood circulation and burn calories and fat. Try to do some variations in the sex positions you do. Besides natural and healthy is also very enjoyable activity, then immediately make love. For those who do not have a spouse to marry immediately.
Lose weight with acupuncture and herbs

How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise

how to lose weight

The goal of acupuncture is to balance the organ systems in the body so that we can have a healthy body. In addition to balancing the qi energy in the body, acupuncture has been used for centuries to regulate body weight by helping increase metabolism and the body's energy. According to one of the world's acupuncturists, Douglas Eisenstark L.Ac, "Weight loss is a part of the lymphatic system or 'burning' middle, stomach, and liver in the treatment of china. Herbs are an integral part of the treatment of china. To get the right formula advised to go directly physiotherapist china because everyone has different conditions.t conditions. 

Lose weight by sleeping
How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise

how to lose weight

When we sleep, our body works to regulate the body's system, rejuvenate and heal the pain/fatigue for a day of activity. Our digestive system also works to process the food we eat, digest carbohydrates and break down fat. A study linking lack of sleep to weight problems, mainly caused by changes in hormone cortisol and insulin. Cortisol plays a role in regulating blood sugar, protein, fat, minerals, and water. When a person experiences stress, both physically and emotionally, cortisol levels will rise. Lack of sleep also triggers increased production of cortisol, insulin also makes it harder to lose weight. In conclusion, give enough time for your body to be able to rest every night.

Lose weight with Milk
lose weight without exercise

To reduce fat in the abdomen, try to drink three glasses of milk a day. Researchers from the University of Tennessee Department of Nutrition Institute found that adding milk products in your diet can help you lose calories. The researchers believe that the calcium in dairy products Dapa helps to increase metabolism, which in turn will help burn fat. To avoid health risks from drinking too much milk, choose organic milk, milk production was possible locally. The best milk produced from cows that feed on green grass.

Lose weight while doing social activities 

How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise
lose weight naturally

Helping others or social activities such as picking up trash around the city or tourist spots, to help take care of a nursing home or orphanage is an activity that can make you feel better, physically and spiritually. Doing things for others gives us happiness. In addition, the course will make us healthier because we will sweat and calories from these activities.

Lose weight with spicy seasoning 
How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise
lose weight

Eating spicy foods and spicy can help to expedite the body's metabolism.
Lose weight with breathing exercises
How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise
how to lose weight without exercise

We can not live without breathing. And you know that with the breathing exercises can help you to lose weight ?? Scientists from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque found that women who did relaxation exercises and meditation every week can lose up to 2 kg in a month. According to Billy Blanks Jr., breathing exercise is one easy way to lose weight, unfortunately, most people go wrong in doing so. He said we should imitate the singers breathe called diaphragmatic breathing, ie breathing through the nose and remove it through the mouth. When you breathe, the abdomen filled with oxygen cause belly expands. When exhaling stomach smaller. Diaphragmatic breathing (breathing with diaphragm) can burn more calories because you use muscles in the body throughout the day. How to breathe like this are also more oxygen into the blood and muscles, which will help to perform activities that are heavier and in the long term. To make it easier to do the breathing like this, try to do it while lying down. Place your hands on your stomach and breathe normally. Pay attention to your belly expands. Then exhale through the mouth slowly. Try to exhale in a matter of 35 seconds. If frequent practice, then over time you will get used.

Lose weight with Laughter

How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise

lose weight without exercise

Laughter may be the best medicine. Laughter does not only soothe the nerves, improve the immune system, break the ice, but it can also burn calories. Laughter can improve the performance of the heart and blood circulation. Dr. William Fry of Stanford University say that laugh for 10 to 15 minutes can burn about 50 calories. Then laugh before it was banned ..........

That's some way to lose weight without exercising, as an alternative for you who are lazy to exercise. Read also of our healthy diet tips. Maybe useful.

1 comment:

  1. fantastic ! Your blog is very interesting and thanks for sharing useful knowledge about Lose Weight Without Exercise
