Tuesday, October 31, 2017

How to Eliminate Keloid Medically and Natural

Maybe you're confused how to remove keloid on the surface of the skin. But before crawling further to discuss the essence of this discussion, it would be nice to know in brief about keloid.
How to Eliminate Keloid Medically and Natural
What is Keloid?

a keloid is a scar that appears on the surface of the skin where previously there was a wound, this keloid is the growth of scar tissue protruding, dilated and elongated with a slippery surface when touched by the palm of the hand.

Medically, when the skin is injured, there will be a normal recovery process within a certain period of time, when the healing reaction of scar tissue (fibrosis) formed on the wound will protect and repair the wound. In some cases, the fibrous tissue arises thickened, protruding, and dilated. This is called keloid, or better known by the medical layman as a thickened scar.

The location of this keloid can be anywhere, but more commonly found in the upper chest area, shoulders, neck and the area around the face (more precisely around the lower jaw).
Keloid Causes

Keloid is not a dangerous disease which requires the help of doctors to treat or cure this disease. Problems that arise due to keloid is more inclined to the appearance, so many people are looking for ways to eliminate keloid with the help of surgery.

The appearance of excess scars on the skin surface (keloid) can be caused by several factors that you can see and know, including:
  •     Acne breakouts that leave marks
  •     Burns
  •     Wounds of smallpox
  •     Hole piercings in the ear
  •     Injuries due to scratches sharp objects
  •     Surgical wound (surgery)
  •     Injection of vaccination to prevent a disease

Another cause is put forward by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, where keloid is more common in people aged between 10 to 20 years. Keloid is more likely to be influenced by genetic or hereditary factors, so a father or mother who has keloid is more likely to make her child experience similar things when the wound has healed.
How to Prevent Keloids

In order for the amount of keloid does not spread to other skin surfaces, it is advisable for you to take immediate precautions. But how to prevent keloid to not reappear in other body parts?

There is only one way that can be said easily and can be considered difficult, that is as much as possible to avoid injuries, including surgical procedures if it is not the too critical situation, such as plastic surgery, nasal snuffing and so forth.
 How to Eliminate Keloids

Once you know the ins and outs of how to prevent keloids, at this stage I will tell you how to get rid of keloid quickly. Yes, actually not too fast, it takes a process that is not for a moment, but as long as you are regular and consistent, it is certain that the prominent scar disappears from circulation, meaning the surface.

Here's how to get rid of keloid that has been proven effective to eliminate keloids in patients who complain.

Cortisone injections (intralesional steroid injection)

How to get rid of this first keloid is a fairly effective way. Using a keloid injection drug gradually can help shrink the prominent scar. You do not have to worry when you want to go through this way because cortisone injection is very safe and not so painful.

Usually, the injection is done once a month to get maximum results. Keloid will gradually shrink and deflate, but in some cases, these steroid injections can also make keloid become flat and reddish. This can happen because steroid injections will stimulate the formation of blood vessels more superficial if it is like this can be overcome by using a laser.

But still, although keloid is not visible protruding, the best results will still leave marks on the skin that can be seen by the eye, the surface is rather rough, and has a different color than the normal surrounding skin color.


Keloid will shrink and the reddish color due to keloid will fade according to the amount of laser therapy you do. Because how to eliminate keloid with this laser requires several sessions of therapy, many people choose other ways because this treatment cost money is not a bit due to the need of therapy.


Cryotherapy is quite safe but makes you a fond of dressed up to choose this way. Because chemotherapy is done by freezing keloid using liquid nitrogen which will make keloid so flat, but often leave dark color on the skin.


This one way is enabled to kill keloid cells with chemotherapy stages using keloid drugs. The Fluorouracil method is done by injecting this chemotherapy agent, either alone or simultaneously with steroids, has been used also for the treatment of keloids.


From the results of research, the doctors believe that radiation is the most effective and safe way to get rid of keloids. But no one knows exactly how the process except doctors who specialize in this problem.

How to Eliminate Keloids

The previous review is a way of eliminating keloids with medical help, although it is effective it can not be denied that how to get rid of keloid naturally is also fairly commensurate with aspects of medical treatment.

For more details, you can immediately see how to eliminate keloid naturally following.
1. Pure Apple Cider VinegarPure apples that have been processed to produce the juice you can use to eliminate keloids. This is a traditional method that can be done alone at home, the function of pure apple cider vinegar is to shrink and eliminate reddish color on prominent scars.

Here is the treatment guide:Use a brush to polish a prominent scar, then give a gentle massage for a while so that pure apple cider vinegar can be absorbed into the skin.

Wait until the apple cider dries, then repeat this process in a day at least 3 times for a faster recovery process.

If your skin is sensitive to apple cider vinegar, such as causing irritation, immediately switch to another way or you can dilute apple cider by adding a little water to the mixture.

2. Baking SodaBaking soda is involved to repel the keloid with the role of exfoliation and skin smoothing.

How to use is as follows:Create a fine paste or cream by combining the two substances in the form of one part of the soda 
basil with three parts hydrogen peroxide.Apply a cream or pasta that has been so on keloid area, its function is to reduce inflammation and 
speed up the recovery process.You can apply this natural method three to four times a day, according to the level of severe or no
scar you have.

3. Lemon JuiceLemon juice provides vitamin C and is an antioxidant that can support the health of the body as well as skin beauty. Lemon juice is also effective for treating keloid and some other types of injuries.

How to treat keloid with lemon juice alone is not difficult:

  1.     Make lemon juice that the water is not too much, meaning lemon juice is still a bit thick.
  2.     Apply lemon juice to areas of keloid-stained skin.
  3.     Let stand for half an hour, then wash with warm water until not sticky.
Over time keloid will disappear significantly, you just need to be consistent do it.
4. Aloe Vera

In addition to many benefits for hair, it turns out aloe vera can be used to treat keloid. Here the content of aloe vera will help reduce inflammation, maintain skin moisture, and heal the damaged skin.

Immediately you apply the following way:

a. The scar area is cleaned first using warm water.

b. Paste the aloe vera gel on the keloid, then let stand for 30 minutes and wash with cold water.

How to remove keloid using aloe vera is indeed the simplest natural method and does not spend much money let alone energy.

5. Honey

Humectant that has the nature of the restorer is highly recommended by alternative medicine experts in terms of treating keloid. No need to bother, just applying keloid with honey on a regular basis for several weeks will menyempeskan and faded keloid color gradually.

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Not felt after the discussion on how to eliminate keloid. Because here there are two methods that are medically and traditionally, you do not need to be confused select which one. You can choose one, then try it, if the result is positive then continue, vice versa.

1 comment:

  1. A keloid scar is an enlarged, raised scar that may be pink, pink, pores and skin-coloured or darker than the encompassing skin.Keloid Treatment In Dubai They can increase after very minor skin damage, which includes an zits spot or a piercing, and unfold past the authentic vicinity of pores and skin damage.
