Sunday, March 12, 2017

Drug Tempuyung the Conqueror Gout Natural Withheld

Not unexpectedly, the plants that grow in the wild this has important benefits for human health. Tempuyung who had another name Sonchus arvensis, it could cure gout.

Only for uric acid stones? No, kidney stone disease can be intercepted by plants that spread by seed, as originally caused kidney stones of uric acid as well. Special, consume tempuyung be secured, no effect or minimal side effects that are harmful to the human body.

Actually, what is meant by disease Uric Acid? Gout is a result of excessive consumption of purine substances. Purines into uric acid is processed body, but if excess uric acid levels, so that the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. As a result, joint pain, swollen and inflamed.

Uric acid is a disease of purine metabolic waste substances that come from the rest of the food we eat. Purine itself is a substance contained in each food derived from living bodies. In other words, in the living body are purine substance, and then because we eat living creatures, then to proceed to the purine substance in our body.

A variety of vegetables and fruits also are purines. Purine also resulted from the destruction of body cells which occur normally or because of certain diseases. Usually gout attack in the elderly, because this accumulation of purines.
Dangerous are these diseases?

The excess uric acid in the blood is going to be a problem in itself. Because it will lead to crystallize in the joints and blood capillaries, especially in the section close to the joints. Know the consequences? When joints are driven friction will occur crystals that cause pain.

Similarly, if the crystals to settle in the blood capillaries. When we move, uric acid crystals will be pressed to the walls of capillaries, so that the pointed end of the crystal that pierced the walls of capillaries. Hence arises the pain.

A buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints causes chronic lymphatic fluid that serves as a lubricant (lubricant) does not work. As a result, the joint can not be moved. This often occurs in the elderly because of excess uric acid that had been ignored. Gout (uric acid), expressed as a purine derivative alkaloid compounds (xanthine).

His form is a white crystalline, odorless and tasteless, decomposed by heating into cyanide (HCN), is very soluble in water, soluble in glycerine and alkali. According to Mathews (1991) in his book Biochemistry, uric acid is produced by every living being as a result of major metabolic processes, namely, a chemical process in the cell nucleus that serves to support survival.

The process starts from foods such as carbohydrates, protein, and cellulose (fiber) through a chemical process line which KREBS cycle that will generate power (energy) and chemicals that the body needs.

If there are deviations in this process, especially in people aged 40 years and older or seniors, the uric acid will accumulate. In addition to naturally occurring, uric acid in the blood may also increase due to external factors, especially of foods and beverages that can stimulate the formation of uric acid.

The type of food that can stimulate the formation of uric acid are foods that have high levels of carbohydrates and protein. Examples of these foods are nuts, chips or crackers mlinjo, especially organ meats, and chocolate because it contains an alkaloid theobromine purine derivative.

Similarly, beverages containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and cola will also cause an increase in uric acid. This is all due to coffee, tea and colas contain purine derivative alkaloids (ksantin).

If the blood levels of these alkaloids is high enough, then the presence of the enzyme oxidase ksantin will form uric acid. Mitigation or prevention of medically to pain in the joints or arthritis is not so much to do, because there are no drugs that can reduce excessive levels of uric acid in the blood.

If you go to a doctor is usually to reduce the pain by administering analgesic drugs (the removal of pain or pain) or give Analgesic (liniment) to reduce pain in the nyeriakibat of the symptoms of gout. Sometimes given diuretics to increase fluid secretion in the body with the expectations of most of the uric acid will come out with the liquid.

But the last way is not much help. Nevertheless, based on the research has found chemical compounds that can suppress the occurrence of uric acid in the body, they also even more suggesting in treating diseases Uric acid is a way of getting used to drink natural plants.

According to Paul Cos and his colleagues from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium, several flavonoida compounds are antioxidants which can inhibit the action of enzymes ksantin oxidase and superoxide reaction, resulting in the formation of uric acid to be hampered or reduced.

Based on the above mechanism, some medicinal plants native to Indonesia (OAI), based on its chemical content, has indicated to overcome the gout. OAI plant compounds that have high enough flavonoida, safe to use and readily available for the prevention of the formation of uric acid in the body. Well, among the plants in question are tempuyung.
TempuyungSi Wild Up Class

Tempuyung is a type of herb that grows freely in nature and can be easily found, especially in a somewhat protected from the sun. Tempuyung as an ingredient in traditional medicine has long been used, even today extracts of leaves of this plant has also been used as a basic component of the prescribed drugs.

Tempuyung (Sanchus arvensis) known by various local names, such as Jombang, galibug, or clay. In Sundanese (a saungnya admind Uric Acid, hehe) people call it a Rayana. Tempuyung has a characteristic that can be easily recognized, ie on the leaves. Tempuyung leaves a single oval-shaped leaves with a pointed end.

At the base of the leaf bertoreh green color. Tempuyung leaf color is green and purple with a surface that Iicin with wavy edges, jagged and irregular. Serrated leaves that had been concentrated to form a rosette at the base of the stem.

Serrated leaves at the top alternately hugging the stem. Well, that part is choppy and hugging the stem is the most efficacious. High tempuyung only between 60-150 cm with hollow stems and green gummy. Tempuyung a panicle of flowers with a bell-shaped petals and fluffy. While the fruit tempuyung shaped box with black hair and a ribbed five.

Tempuyung alias Sonchus arvensis L, including chronic herb plants that normally grow in shaded areas. These plants live in the wild in Java, in an area that a lot of rain at an altitude of 50-1650 m asl.

Grown in the open or less protected in a rugged, in the dike, on the edge of the water channel (Heyne, 1987). Green leaves with a little slick purple, wavy edges, and irregularly toothed. Near the base of the stem, toothed leaves that form a rosette terpusar and which is next on the stem alternately embraced.

Tempuyung actually is a wild plant commonly grown in fields, suburban gardens, open land, the home page, on the cliffs, even on the walls. On the walls were cracked too tempuyung can grow as seedlings and seeds form can be blown everywhere so quickly grow if there is water or moist air.

Tempuyung still closely related wild plants such as crassocephalum crepidioides, mustard, sembung, marigolds, jotang, babadotan, and sunflower. And do what?

Read also: 10 Potion Ancestral Disease Drugs Uric Acid Super Fast
Presenting way Tempuyung Medicinal Uric Acid

As discussed earlier, tempuyung parts that are often used in medicine are the leaves. However, other parts of tempuyung may be used. How to cultivate tempuyung can be varied and easily, can be boiled in water along with other herbal ingredients or without other herbal ingredients.

Tempuyung can also use dried or fresh tempuyung. Tempuyung can also be enjoyed as fresh vegetables, mainly to treat high blood pressure. For the purposes of treatment usually leaves tempuyung used in the form of dried leaf powder is brewed.

Sah also use fresh leaves are brewed. Or eat them in as fresh vegetables, all equally efficacious to have medicinal properties. Because of these properties, at some point people started deliberately planted, even membudidayakaannya.

Thus my tips about tempuyung gout medicine by utilizing a potent concoction of nature that leaves tempuyung. Thank you and I hope you and your family are exempted from the gout disease.


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