Monday, September 24, 2018

How to get rid of foot odor

Foot odor is a scary thing for everyone, especially for workers who have to meet with clients every day or presentations in front of a crowd. So the problem is if the foot smells on someone who works as a restaurant waiter, and we can imagine the serious face of the buyer when the food or drink has arrived.

The cause of foot odor is also not small and there are also some factors that are difficult to guess, but in general some things that can cause foot odor to give off a bad or stinging smell are our unhealthy life habits.

For example, when we wear socks and shoes all day, do not wash our feet using soap, so that sweat is still attached to all areas of the feet covered by socks and shoes, so that the bacteria are mixed, from here we are unwittingly a source of foot odor problems.

Tips on How to Take Care of Your Face Naturally and Easily

Beautiful faces have become a dream for every woman, especially a sleek and acne-free face, white and fresh. Moreover, the face is one of the most important symbols to improve one's appearance or fashion style.

The face is also a part of our body that is often noticed by other people, both men and women. If we have a face that is dull, dry and moreover a lot of pimples of course you will feel lousy or not confident in getting along.

Tips on How to Take Care of Your Face Naturally and Easily

Therefore, there are actually many ways you can do to treat your face to be clean and sleek and white and healthy. There are two parts that you can do, namely the natural way (does not cause danger in the future, but requires a long process and perseverance) or by using chemical products recommended by the doctor, and of course will cause a negative effect if it is not suitable to use the product .