Sunday, February 5, 2017

Various sports fastest weight loss

If talk about a diet to lose weight, of course many factors that need to be done. Diet is not just about how to set up a regular diet and a healthy lifestyle. Diet is also associated with gestures such as sports.
sport is closely associated with diet. How can you lose weight if the fat and calories in your body does not waste. Sport has the effect of burning calories in your body. The importance of this body is to help the body use the excess energy when not in use will be formed into fat.
If you are doing a diet to lose weight, here below are some types of sports are done when diet:

1. Cycling
cycling is a sport to lose weight that anyone can do. By cycling about 15 to 18 miles, People who have weight 68 kg can burn up to 560 to 850 calories per hour. Of course this is very helpful weight loss programs that you do.
2. Aerobic

This sport is perfect you do when you're dieting. In addition to weight loss, aerobics can also beautify the shape of your hips and buttocks. People who have weight 68 kg can burn about 357 calories with only about an hour of aerobic exercise. Each person would have different results, depending on how long and high aerobic activity you are doing.

3. Swim

This sport is very good for the whole tutuh as it makes almost all the muscles of the body work while swimming. Swimming is also a good exercise to burn calories and fat in the body. People with the west about 70 kg weight can burn between 497 to 523 calories, depending on the speed and style of swimming they do.

4. Running

A good exercise to do when the next diet is exercise run. Running is one of the best cardiovascular activity to lose weight. The man who ran for 10 minutes per mill can burn 731 calories in the body. Of course this will have a positive impact on the diet that you do.

That's four types of sports are done when diet. For you who are dieting, you can do one kind of sport to support the success of your diet. Good luck.


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