Friday, September 29, 2017

What are the causes of female disobedience, this is the trigger factor

What are the causes of female disobedience, this is the trigger factor
What are the causes of female disobedience, this is the trigger factor, What are the causes of female infertility, this trigger factor Having a fertile uterus can be sure will easily to get pregnant immediately, but many women who experience abnormal fertility qualities so it is so difficult to get pregnant quickly and get a child. Try to kroscek into yourself first before performing various therapies and fertility treatments.

The Benefits Of Hand Washing For Health

The Benefits Of Hand Washing For Health

Hand-washing may be a job that may be for some many people is a trivial job, and sometimes even so we often ignore it. We often remind family members to get used to wash hands especially to the "little one".

"Nak ... have you wash your hands before eating it?!", the question we often ask you to fruit our hearts, as they are usually forgotten when we don't remind.

Hand-washing activity is probably a mild job but know that had the effect of very large benefits because of a dangerous disease can be prevented through handwashing activities.

Diet Diet Tips Natural Health

have enough body fat can certainly cause a lack of confidence. especially for women who keep a close watch everyday appearance. What woman does not want to have an ideal body form and have a nice body? there are many ways that can be done by women in a weight loss aid, from the start menu consume diet foods or even with the reckless manner with extreme ways. How extreme is either by surgery or by taking drugs that are used for weight loss. By doing it this way, maybe they can get their dream appearance quickly, but there was only going to spend quite a lot, sometimes with the 2nd step also can have adverse implications for health.

Best Foods To Lose Weight Diet

Do you know the kinds of food diet to lose weight? If you are confused in overcoming the weight is increasingly growing, so here I have some interesting information about the types of foods to your diet to lose weight.

Diet is the amount of food consumed by a person every day, therefore, for a person who is in the process of wanting to lose weight should adjust his diet. Here is some food diet to lose weight.

Healthy Diet Foods Blood Type A
How did the process of blood group A healthy diet today is unfamiliar to Indonesian society, especially for those who always used to doing the diet by consuming a diet naturally? But not least also those who believe and have long diet program according to blood type, this article continues the previous discussion about healthy diet tips diet naturally healthy diet tips diet naturally.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Methods of Therapy of uric acid and plant a nice Cure

Diseases of uric acid is the complaint on joints and surrounding areas due to the content of uric acid in your body is very high. Uric acid would be a powder and crystal that can interfere with the function of Your joints and bones. In severe circumstances, uric acid can cause paralysis due to all the joints feel stiff and very sore if it is driven.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Successful Week Diet Menu Down 5Kg

 Having a diet food menu in a week can actually inspire so we are accustomed to eating healthy foods. Try to make healthy choices, not just define fast food or snacks that actually less nutritious and unhealthy. Eating with various types of variety of food throughout the diet, you can avoid the boredom and make sure you will get a variety of nutrients. Do not forget to drink water every day, not only create a smooth metabolism, water also serves as procrastinators hungry.

Revealed! This is a result of uric acid High Compulsory reply to watch

Revealed! This is a result of uric acid High Mandatory reply Alerted ~ gout is a disease that has been inflicted on the people of Indonesia, maybe you one of them, and sometimes in the event of attack uric acid, it will affect the whole of the activities you will do. certainly, to date continues to seek the best solutions for healing pain of uric acid. one thing you need to know is how the complications that can be caused by uric acid if your high uric acid levels.

The decomposition of protein-rich foods into purine will produce uric acid in the body. Under normal conditions, uric acid will be expelled from the body through the kidneys. But if the too much uric acid in the blood or the kidneys is not functioning properly, then the uric acid would accumulate in the blood and in the network so that interfere with body functions and cause all sorts of problems.

Due To High Uric Acid

Increased uric acid in the blood is known as conditions hyperuricemia. A wide range of problems can be caused hyperuricemia, such as metabolic acidosis, piraí, in fact, can lead to kidney failure. Here are some of the consequences if the levels of uric acid in the blood is high: 

Diet Lose Weight Fast
Diet to lose weight fast - Most people believed that they had a lot of issues about weight loss will certainly be looking for a good way out, in order to have a diverse menu of food diet and of course also the healthy foods when consumed.

Those who have a weight problem that has the same goal of wanting to have an ideal body weight and good. By doing so, they do not need to worry anymore when dressed and choose the type of clothing that is suitable for them.

Now, therefore, if previously you've tried diet 13 days previously I share tips and in fact were less successful, so this time I will share tips on the diet to lose weight fast healthy. But keep in mind that before you do this diet program, you must be willing to do activities such as exercise.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

10 ways to Treat Gout in the feet Without difficulty

How to treat gout in the feet specifically you can find here with easy methods, efficacious and without having to feel relaxed enough to wear elaborate material that already exists in your home kitchen.
10 ways to Treat Gout in the feet Without Ribet

Enjoy 30 Food-lowering high cholesterol!

To lower high cholesterol levels can be done with a proper nutritional intake consumption. If during this diet that you apply triggering high cholesterol, then now is the time change what you eat to suppress cholesterol levels.

Monday, September 25, 2017

How to remove Blackheads with Toothpaste yg Easy

Everyone is well aware of and know if the toothpaste is a usual teeth cleanser into ' soap. But perhaps you don't know that toothpaste can be used as one of the alternative remedies to remove blackheads.

Blackhead is a pile of fat that hardens and is black/white who grew up around the nose area. In General, the presence of blackheads is caused by excess oils that clog the pores of the skin.

We recommend that you do not Dickel, because if the blackhead is experiencing an infection or wound, then it can cause the onset of acne. Eating greasy foods, stress, and sleep deprivation are all factors cause the appearance of blackheads on the face.

10 how to treat Gout with natural vegetable

Gout is a disease that attacks the joints that can be ascertained the cause of its excessive substance acid in blood aftermath of purin is too much. This disease is a type of arthritis that forms the pengkristalan very small scattered around the joints causing pain when relapse and appear freezing.

But that does not mean every disease of the joints that in sentencing uric acid disease, there are also similar with uric acid, such as liming etc. If we look at the calculation of health researchers, there are 2 out of 100 people have already contracted this disease symptoms.

The House of Adam's higher risk of uric acid disease affected 2 times more than women, and age is the age of 40 years > is most often the disease malignancy of this one. For more details I have explained in detail on the tag understanding uric acid.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

27 how to remove Blackheads Naturally and permanently

As we know that blackheads are derived from the production of excess oil on the face without balanced with painstaking care. It arises in unison with his appearance a little taste of minder at the friend or loved one, because the blackheads generally strikes young skin.

Nobody will look like pimples, blackheads often appear anywhere, good diwajah to the extent that it extends to the back. Most people think that blackheads arising dihidung only, but due to this small comedones and barely visible, then it will appear on the skin of the most taut, such as the nose.

The conclusion does not mean that other skin safe from attack the blackheads. Precisely because less sometimes can get attention, on the other there is the skin more. Thus, when to treat it, lulurlah all your skin with a drug that you believe.

Well, times writers will present ramua-natural herb that you can use as an alternative medicine to get rid of blackheads completely without side effects and dependence as there is of drug market.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

English Blackheads Are Black? This causes and 5 How to eliminate it

Blackheads Are Black. We are aware that in fact the type of blackhead in sight on a drive to split into two, one is white, and there are black. But both are not different, i.e. same make pain tuh here (stale).

Before you start to remove blackheads, consider first how clearly the types of blackhead and your skin type. There is also a distinguishing types of blackhead it into two as well i.e. open comedones or blackhead and whitehead or blackhead is closed. In fact it – it also. He

Mangosteen Skin Benefit For Medicinal Plants Uric Acid and All Ills
If we want to examine, a very remarkable benefit of mangosteen peels it. Not only can prevent many diseases, it is also very good to treat it. Acute disease even though, according to medically very difficult to cure, with the efficacy of mangosteen peel it becomes easily remedied, including gout.

Environment for Patients with Gout

Is gout disease is only concerned with vein disease (muscle) ??? Not! This disease is a disease that is the main factor derived from the bad habits in lifestyle and diet. Diseases that arise because people do not pay attention to what they should and should not eat or do too much.

Thus the very close relationship between a disease and the environment before, any disease, gout is only one of a thousand diseases. Indeed, the initial trigger is often come out of business is quite time-to consume and required a fast-paced.

Friday, September 22, 2017

How to Remove Blackheads? submit to the salt, so ko bother

Early this encounter I will give you a question that does not mean to offend. Is your face blackheads? I hope not ya. But you get into this blog is not without a reason, right? If yes, then now you need not worry anymore, not have a minder, PD wrote because soon will disappear. So ... he tau ni writers.

We know that these blackheads are small, and even a cursory invisible. But if we reflect carefully, or close Self-using the camera, then the blackheads is visible (as long as 8 Mega Pixel upwards. Hehe). We learned a little tending komedo yes. Cekidot ...!

Uric Acid Attack danger that body, Mandatory Know!

Uric acid is a disease that attacks the parts of the joints in the body. Uric acid may occur due to the consumption of a substance called purine excessive and failed to make the purine substances digested and released by the kidneys.When the substance is not able to digest purines and excreted by the kidneys, then the purine substance will crystallize and stick and accumulate in parts of the joints, thereby inhibiting the joint work and make out.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

How to Cure Gout with the Patent and Generic Drugs

One is listed as an acute disease in the medical world is gout. For those who are already fairly severe patients should not treat yourself. Once exposed gout attack, the patient should immediately see a doctor. If someone had been hit by an attack of gout, should he have a supply of the medicine in the box P3K, at least for first aid pain relief?

Gout medication that should not be confused rheumatic drugs other types. So, do not be mistaken. Most gout medicine works by helping the body reduce levels of uric acid in the blood. If other types of arthritis sufferers drink necessarily less efficient and vain.

Cholesterol Normal,

High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and blood circulation. Know the cholesterol level in the blood is the prevention efforts of the disease. The word cholesterol may already we often hear, cholesterol is very tight with a delicious meal, the age, weight or obesity and others.

Cholesterol is known as a thing or something negative and should be avoided, in fact it is not 100% correct because in fact the cholesterol needed by our body like the formation of bile salts, vitamin D and the production of several kinds of hormones but when excessive amount will cause problems.

Cholesterol levels in human body will increase as we get older because of the amount of cholesterol produced higher body, it is compounded with the consumption of foods that contain a lot of cholesterol and lack of exercise.

If it exceeds the normal limit you should follow the doctor's advice to take drugs, reducing foods that contain a lot of cholesterol and exercising regularly.

Examination of cholesterol levels should be done periodically in order to monitor the overall health condition. Then, when should we start evaluating cholesterol levels normal?

If you smoke, have excess weight, high blood pressure, have diabetes and there are families who have a history of heart disease, you should start doing the examination from the age of 20 years.

However, if you do not smoke and do not have the diseases examination can be started from the age of 35 years. If the results are normal, you can return checked it out every 5 years. But, if you have high cholesterol levels, should the examination be done more often. Moreover, if you have diabetes, heart disease and kidney disorders.

There are two types of cholesterol, which is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein-HDL) serves to prevent the occurrence of ateroma or narrowing of the arteries due to fatty. While the bad cholesterol (LDL-Low Density Lipoprotein) is one of the main causes of the formation of the ateroma. In addition, cholesterol is good and evil, there is another form of fat in the blood called triglycerides.

Ateroma itself a trigger of heart disease which is also known as ateroklerosis or hardening of the blood vessels. Ateroma plaque is the fat that accumulates on the artery walls of blood vessels. After months, even years, the plaque is thickened and extended. That's when, clogged blood vessels and make blood flow is not smooth. This condition can lead to heart attack, stroke, or other serious problems.

Everyone's cholesterol levels vary, depending on what dikonsumsinya. In addition, each person can have a different cholesterol levels despite mengosumsi the same food. In some people, high cholesterol can only be caused by hereditary factors.

Before undertaking an examination of the level of cholesterol, you must fast beforehand for 9-12 hours. Measuring cholesterol levels done by knowing how many milligrams (mg) of cholesterol per deciliter contained in (dL) of blood.

Following the normal cholesterol levels for those types of this disease is found in the blood:

Good cholesterol

The higher the level of good cholesterol or HDL, the better it will be for health. This is because HDL protect against heart disease. HDL levels of at least 60 mg/dL or more can help reduce the risk of heart disease. In contrast, HDL level less than 40 mg/dL thus raise the risk of heart disease.

Bad cholesterol

Because of the nature of evil, LDL or bad cholesterol should be at a low level or body can be tolerated, i.e. less than 100 mg/dL. The amount of LDL 100-129 mg/dL as threshold of tolerance. If it exceeds that amount bad cholesterol can cause various health problems such as ateroma, heart disease, and stroke.

The amount of LDL is 130-159 mg/dL can be said to enter the high threshold, and if the amount has reached 160-189 mg/dL have entered a high level. While the amount of LDL 190 mg/dL and the rest, are already at a very high level.


This fat can also increase the risk of heart disease. So, the lower the level of triglycerides, it will be the better for your health. The amount of triglycerides of 150-199 mg/dL can be said to be at a high threshold, and the number of 200 mg/dL or triglyceride levels include more high. Some people require treatment if it has levels of triglycerides on the second level.

Total cholesterol

Total cholesterol is a combination of the amount of good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood every deciliter. Usually, by looking at the levels of total cholesterol and HDL alone can already mengga
Kolesterol Normal

Food RequiredTo maintain normal cholesterol levels, avoid foods that contain trans fats. These fats can be found in fried foods, margarine and snacks such as biscuits.Here are some foods that you can take to lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon and tuna, are rich in omega 3 which is good for the heart.
  • Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber that can lower bad cholesterol levels. Within a day, you need at least 5-10 grams of soluble fiber. One half cup of oatmeal that has been cooked contains about 6 grams of fiber. You can add fruit on the oatmeal to enrich the flavor.
  • Nuts such as almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, and others can reduce the risk of heart disease. You can replace fatty foods like cheese and meat with beans.
  • Olive oil contains antioxidants that can lower bad cholesterol levels. Use two tablespoons of olive oil a day to a salad or dish.

Keeping the intake of nutritious foods in order to limit the levels of bad cholesterol is good, but a step to living a healthy lifestyle is also equally important. Begin to quit-old bad habits, such as smoking and consuming alcohol. Instead, start familiarize yourself to exercise regularly to keep normal cholesterol always. Thus this article, may provide new insights. Greetings healthy!